Zero To Hero - From "Hercules" / Soundtrack Version - Chorus - Hercules

Zero To Hero - From "Hercules" / Soundtrack Version

Chorus - Hercules



Song Introduction

“Zero To Hero” is an充满活力的歌曲,来自迪士尼1997年动画电影《海克力士》的原声带。由合唱团演唱,这首歌庆祝了海克力士从无名孤儿成长为古希腊受人尊敬的英雄的旅程。其欢快的旋律和鼓舞人心的歌词,突显了影片中勇气和决心的主题。“Zero To Hero”已成为电影原声中的经典之作,因其动感的编排和激励人心的信息而深受粉丝喜爱。

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Bless my soul

Herc was on a roll

Person of the week in evry Greek opinion poll

What a pro

Herc could stop a show

Point him at a monster and you're talking SRO

He was a no one

A zero, zero

Now he's a honcho

He's a hero

Here was a kid with his act down pat

From zero to hero in no time flat

Zero to hero just like that

When he smiled

The girls went wild with

Oohs and aahs

And they slapped his face

On ev'ry vase

(On ev'ry "vase")

From appearance fees and royalties

Our Herc had cash to burn

Now nouveau riche and famous

He could tell you

What the Greecizns earn.

Say amen

There he goes again

Sweet and undefeated

And an awesome 10 for 10

Folks lined up

Just to watch him flex

And this perfect package

Packed a pair of pretty pecs

Hercie, he comes

He sees, he conquers

Honey, the crowds were

Going bonkers

He showed the moxie brains, and spunk

From zero to hero a major hunk

Zero to hero and who'da thunk

Who put the glad in gladiator?


Whose daring deeds are great theater?


Is he bold?

No one braver

Is he sweet

Our favorite flavor

Hercules, Hercules,

Hercules, Hercules

Hercules, Hercules

Bless my soul

Herc was on a roll


Riding high

And the nicest guy

Not conceited

He was a nothin'

A zero, zero

Now he's a honcho

He's a hero

He hit the heights at breakneck speed

From zero to hero

Herc is a hero

Now he's a hero

Yes indeed!

- It's already the end -