“Friday Night, Jackson” is a dynamic song from the Original Broadway Cast of **Bring It On: The Musical**. This energetic number captures the excitement and anticipation leading up to the high-stakes cheerleading competition that drives the story. Featuring powerful vocals and lively choreography, the song highlights the characters' dedication, teamwork, and the vibrant spirit of the cheerleading squad. It serves as a pivotal moment in the musical, showcasing the ensemble's talent and the show's infectious enthusiasm.
hang on tight
we're waiting for the ladies
on friday night
were waiting for the ladies
on friday night
cameron & twig:
thats right
thats right (thats right) --
cameron & twig:
were waiting for the ladies on
cameron & guys:
friday night!
get your hands up!
ev'rybody here lets get loud!
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
a' get your hands up!
ev'rybody here lets get loud!
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
a' get your hands up
ev'rybody here lets get loud!
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
a' get your hands up
cameron & twig:
ev'rybody here lets get loud!
thats my girl! wooh!
crew girls:
i know you came here just to
see me tonight,
so what are you waiting for?
lets get loud!
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
crew girls:
i know you came here just to
see me tonight, so --
what are you waiting for?
thats my girl!
get your hands up!
move! move! move!
yo, hip-hop is
our national pastime
tick-tock now its
"shakin' that ass" time
all a y'all wishin' that ya
lady was that fine --
the little lady in the middle
yeah thats mine!
keep ya lil lady i aint
messin with her
no sir c'mon lets get a
little closer!
i want the one with the
huge caboose!
bridget is gigglin and jigglin
an turnin it loose!
whoa yo i dunno twig shes
so big --
slow your roll kid you know
she stole the whole gig
if yall got together she would
crush you!
maybe so. but dag
what a way to go!
yo! yo! randall lower the music
citizens of jackson now its
time to introduce a very special
guest making his first -- and
maybe last -- appearance with
our crew. give it up for jackson
high schools very own Lucky McClover!
welcome to jackson -- move
welcome to jackson!
no she didnt
she could get it!
go! go! go! go! (etc.)
cameron (with some men):
ev'rybody here better get loud
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
ev'rybody here better get loud
thats my girl in the middle
of the crowd!
move! go lucky! go go go
lucky! go!
move! move! move!
look at this little rich white girl
turnin it out
wow i cant be mad at that
look at her go!
look at this little rich white girl
movin the crowd
wow shes not half-bad at that
look at her go!
i know you came here just to
see me tonight
so what are you waiting for?
everybody get your hands up!
everybody get your hands up!
i know you came here just to
see me tonight
so what are you waiting for?
what are you waiting for?
what are you --
girls & guys:
waiting for? aaah --
look at her dancing
with skill and with joy --
even dressed like a strange
and deranged irish boy
its so plain to see
the spirit in her --
shes the kind of brave
that i wish i were!
more than beautiful
shes got character!
i thought i knew her
but man i was wrong
that girl is no 3-minute
bubble gum song
shes driven shes got heart
and shes a hottie to boot
she can smile and bring it on
even in a leprechaun suit
erin go bra-less!
erin go shake!
danielle & la cienega:
look at her go!
break me off a piece of that
choc'late cake!
cameron & twig:
hang on tight --
leprechaun suit!
look at that little rich white girl
turnin it out! wow!
look at her --
break me off a piece of that
choc'late cake!
-- go! go! go! go!
go! go! go!
hey! hey! hey! hey!
hey! hey! hoo!
mucho overlapping:
oh, even in a
leprechaun suit!
oh even in...
oh! look at her go!
oh! look at her go!
a' get your hands up!
thats my girl! ev'rybody here
vetter get loud!
thats my girl in
the middle
of the crowd! girls & guys:
ev'rybody here
thats my girl!
ev'rybody here
thats my girl!
get your hands up! hands up!
hands up!
thats my girl!