“Roll That Barrel Out” 是加拿大乡村歌手Dean Brody的一首充满活力的歌曲。Brody以其讲故事的才能和充满能量的表演而闻名,这首歌庆祝了辛勤工作和传统。歌曲旋律朗朗上口,歌词贴近生活,深受乡村音乐爱好者的喜爱。通过其动感的节奏和真实的声音,“Roll That Barrel Out” 展示了Brody将当代主题与经典乡村元素相结合的能力,巩固了他在现代乡村音乐界的地位。
We say Deo, Deo, Deo
Roll that barrel out
We say Deo, Deo
Twist the tap and pass it around
He owns a Graddel by banyan tree
And old Jamacia called the ocean breeze
His face is kind as it is creased
From tossin nets off an old boat bow.
But all Jamal is a mariners son
Will tell you where the ships would run
And if your down there askin to pour ya one
And you'll hear that sailor shout
He'll say Deo, Deo, Deo
Roll that barrel out
He'll say Deo Deo
Twist the tap and pass it around
His mama told him when he was young
You work the fields till you grow up
While she tapped the barrels and the cantina
The soldier boys passing by
His big brown eyes and little feet
For years they were at the coco bean
But he'd have visions of pirates when he would fall asleep
And they sang him this lullaby,
He'll say Deo, Deo, Deo
Roll that barrel out
He'll say Deo Deo
Twist the tap and pass it around
Hey hey!
We met Jamal when we arrived
He told a story round a fire last night,
You shoulda seen that beach come alive
When he sang his island song
Yeah and we all sang along
We'll say Deo, Deo, Deo
Roll that barrel out
We'll say Deo Deo
Twist the tap and pass it around
Twist the tap and pass it around
Twist the tap and pass it around