My Grand Plan - Kristin Stokes

My Grand Plan

Kristin Stokes



Song Introduction

As of now, there is no available information regarding the song "My Grand Plan" by Kristin Stokes. If this is a newly released track or from an emerging artist, more details may become available in the future. Please check official music platforms or Kristin Stokes' official channels for the latest updates.

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You know the only gift my mom ever gave me?

A hat that makes you invisible

You put it on and no one can see you

Seemed appropriate

I've always been a smart girl

Always made the grade, always got the gold star

I've always been a smart girl

But smart girl only gets a girl so far

You win at every single game

You want a quest, they tell you tough

If you don't go you'll never know

if you'll ever be good enough

My grand plan

Is that I will be remembered

My grand plan

Just you wait and see

You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up

Bring on any challenge

And someday soon someone will notice me

I've always been a tough girl

Always been the one not to run from a fight

Always been a tough girl

'Cause most girls never win if they're polite

So me, I tend to stand my ground

I found I never can give in

It may not be my quest

But maybe it's mine to win

My grand plan

Is that I will be remembered

My grand plan

Just you wait and see

You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up

Bring on any challenge

And someday soon the world will notice me

And your stepmom treats you like some freak

And your dad won't give you the time of day

And your mom won't trust you with a quest

So the best thing you can do is run away

Run away

But I have a plan

And I will be remembered

I will be brave

Just wait and see

You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up

Bring on any challenge

And someday soon I swear

I don't know how or when

But I promise you

I'll never be invisible again

Someone will notice


I've always been a smart girl

- It's already the end -