The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Original Cast

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Original Cast



Song Introduction

“The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” 是一部充满幽默与温情的音乐剧,由原版《第25届普特南县拼字比赛》演员出演。故事讲述了一群古怪的中学生参加拼字比赛的过程,展现了他们各自独特的个性和成长历程。音乐剧融合了精彩的歌曲与生动的表演,自首演以来备受好评,成为广受喜爱的作品。

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Miss Peretti

Please spell "Syzygy"



We have a winner!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

At the twenty-fifth annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

My parents keep on telling me

Just being here is winning

Although I know it isn't so

But it's a very nice

Very, very nice

Very, very nice

Very nice beginning

Our winner here last year

Chip Tolentino

M-M-Miss Peretti!

And our youngest competitor

Logianne SchwartzandGrubenierre

At the twenty-fifth annual Putnam County Spelling Game


I'll stand when they announce my name

(Leaf Coneybear)

And try to keep from shaking

Alas, his shaking will not pass

'Cause it's a very big

Very fraught

Simple, but it's not

It's a very big undertaking

Returning after last season's tragic setback

William Barfee

It's prounounced Barfée

There's an accent aigu

Ah, I'm not sure who this girl is

Marcy Park

Recent transfer

Winner's destination

Washington, DC

Plasma TV in a fancy hotel

Where they treat you well

All because you love to spell

We spell!

It's a marvelous memory

If you win the Spelling Bee

One's life improves from A to Z

The minute you are crowned here

I see a trophy held by me

And when I won, did I swell?

Oh, the stories I could tell

But braggarts don't do well around here

Hi, I'm Olive Ostrovsky

Do you know where I check in?

Shut up!

At the twenty-fifth annual

We've memorized the manual

About how to spell these words

Words that require thought

People think we're automatons

But that is exactly what we're not

We hear the word

We breathe

We wait

Unlike idiots, we ideate

To ideate is to form an image or idea

To think

At the twenty-fifth annual

Putnam County Spelling Bee

We feel no animosity

And yet our heads are spinning

We are the slightest bit bizarre

But since the time is now

Holy cow!

We shall make a solemn vow

To concentrate on winning

We concentrate on winning

At the twenty-fifth annual

Putnam County Spelling Bee

We speak so damn convincingly

They're nervous, but they're grinning

It seems we're living out our dreams

Which is a very nice

Very nice

Very, very, very nice

Very nice

Very nice

Very, very, very nice

Very nice beginning

Twenty-fifth annual

Twenty-fifth annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

- It's already the end -