Currently, there is no available information regarding the song "I Saw A Dragon" by Helen Reddy from the "Pete's Dragon" soundtrack version.
A dragon, a dragon, I swear I saw a dragon
A green and seething fire breathing monstrous in sight
With eyes of red and lion's head, and wings as dark as night
Oh, he has a jaw of gleaming teeth, he's 50 feet in height
It's true, it's true, oh, what are we to do?
It's true, it's true, he'll break us all in two
Oh, he's coming in, and his great big fin is right against the door
So board up all the windows
And get down on the floor
A dragon, a dragon, I swear I saw a dragon
His tail lashing, he'll be smashing every shop in town
With scaly feet, he'll crack the street, and tear the steeple down
It's not some looney dream, I heard a scream from Sheriff Brown
It's true, it's true
Oh, what are we to do?
It's true, it's true
Ole Lampie's in a stew
A dragon, a dragon, Ole Lampie saw a dragon
He's bleary-eyed, he's ossified, he's tighter than a tick
He had too much to drink today, so call a doctor quick
I better take him home to bed, before you make him sick
We're sunk, we're sunk
Go on with ye, ya drunk
A dragon, a dragon, he says he saw a dragon
The game is done, you've had your fun
My dad's been through enough
So won't you all behave yourselves?
I don't want any guff
You're like a bunch of little boys who play at being tough
You'll see, you'll see
You've met your match in me
Oh, you always jeer and laugh and sneer
But look across the square
Alright, we'll go and take a look
Good Lord
Good Lord
There's absolutely
Nothing anywhere, it was there
A dragon, a dragon
I swear there was a dragon
Your off your hinges, all those minges put you in a haze
You crazy fools, it's all your doggone fault he's in a daze
Let go off me, let go off me
And mend your wicked ways
What makes you think there ever was
You know there, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never
Was a dragon
A dragon