"We Cry Holy (Spontaneous) [Live]" 是由 Bethel Music 演唱的一首充满激情的现场敬拜歌曲。这首歌通过真诚的歌词和动感的乐器演奏,表达了对神圣的颂赞和敬虔的信仰。现场版本特别强调即兴的敬拜体验,鼓励信徒们在聚会中自由地表达对上帝的敬拜与感恩。Bethel Music 一贯以其感人至深的敬拜音乐而闻名,这首歌曲延续了他们激发灵魂、提升信仰的音乐使命。
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
All our crowns down, all our crowns down
All our crowns down
Everything, everything, everything, Jesus
Sing holy, holy, holy
Sing holy, holy, holy
All our crowns, all our crowns
Holy, holy, holy
We crown You
King of kings and Lord of lords
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Hosannah, hosannah
Holy is the Lord