《As Long As You're Mine》是由史蒂芬·施瓦茨(Stephen Schwartz)创作的歌曲,收录于迪士尼音乐剧《钟楼怪人》(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)中。歌曲由艾伦·梅肯(Alan Menken)作曲,通过深情的旋律和感人的歌词,描绘了主人公卡西莫多与艾丝梅拉达之间复杂的情感纠葛。这首歌不仅展现了角色之间的深厚情感,也反映了对自由与爱的渴望,深受观众喜爱,并在音乐剧中起到了关键的情感推动作用。
Kiss me too fiercely
Hold me too tight
I need help believing
You're with me tonight
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Lying beside you
With you wanting me
And just for this moment
As long as you're mine
I've lost all resistance
And crossed some border line
And if it turns out
It's over too fast
I'll make every last moment last
As long as you're mine
Maybe I'm brainless
Maybe I'm wise
But you've got me seeing
Through different eyes
Somehow I've fallen
Under your spell
And somehow I'm feeling
It's up that I fell
Every moment
As long as you're mine
I'll wake up my body
And make up for lost time
Say there's no future
For us as a pair
And though I may know
I don't care
Just for this moment
As long as you're mine
Come be how you want to
And see how bright we shine
Borrow the moonlight
Until it is through
And know I'll be here
Holding you
As long as you're mine
What is it?
It's just
For the first time
I feel... Wicked!