Jo: It's a mean and stormy night
the moors are bleak and bloody.
Thunder Claps,
Lighting stikes
The fair Clarissa her clothes in disarry
races across the wild coastal heath.
Now She stops
Now She runs
Will she escape will she be caught
With bold determination the villianous
aristoract Braxten Predergast LURCHES for her
Theres no escape
She's but a child
and yet she turns to fight
with eyes ablaze
this nobel girl
meets his gaze
She will not be defiled.
Clarissa&Jo: Keep away me you wretch
Braxten&Jo: I cannot keep away, your beauty draws me
your passion ignites me
B: I've got to hold you
C: I defy you
B: Got to have you
C: Let me by you
B: Come close
C: Don't come to close
B: Come close
C: Don't come to close
B&C: so close so close to me
B: I'll have her, and the mother too
Jo: And in that moment Rodrigo appears in magnifcent splendor
R: Unhand that women, villian
B: Who are you?
R: I am you destiny your bitterest foe
You stole what whas rightly mine, ten long years ago
You left me cold, alone, and forgotten
now I'm back to settle the score!
Prof Bhear: MISS MARCH!