Diane, do I hear a waltz in that Charleston? Why are you kicking?
Rory, I'm moving you where we can't see you
God gave you two left feet, no need to hammer the point home to the audience
And Zack, please, don't count out loud
It's like white-two-three, white-two-three
Everybody take five
Just a reminder, the pharmacy closes Friday at noon
Get your orders in before then
What pharmacy?
How's living with Lucas?
It's fine
Peter, we graduate next Sunday
Are you really never going to talk to me again?
I miss you
Ok, let's run Pilgrims' Hands
Ivy's not here, Sister Chantelle
Again? Wonderful...
Who is Juliet's understudy?
I am!
Alright, Diane...
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss
Good pilgrim
Good pilgrim
Wait! I know it, I swear!
Good pilgrim
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much
Which mannerly devotion shows in this
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss
Zack, in Shakespeare's time boys played all the parts
So I'll thank you to keep your ignorance as hidden as possible
My suggestion would be to stop breathing
Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer
O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do
They pray, grant thou... lest... lest...
Lest faith turn to despair
Well done, Peter
Ivy, nice of you to join us, but we're finished
Y'all want this dance to look like bumper cars?
I ain't co-signin' on it
This room will be left open if you decide
You want to get together one more time
Me? I'm going to do a little Pontius Pilate
And wash my hands of y'all
Guys, we really need to run this
Let's meet here tonight, seven o'clock
All of us, don't be late
I need to talk to you
Do you not get messages?
Do you not get messages?
Fine, what, what is it?
Not here, come back to my room
I can't, I have to finish my speech
Look, you're coming to rehearsal, right?
I can't do this scene without you
It looks like you can
I'll meet you before practice
I'll come by your room
I forgot this
But you remembered all of Juliet's lines
I helped Jason rehearse
I should go
Sit down, we're gonna talk about what's bothering you
Because this production has got to be on it
Sister Chantelle don't direct no dinner theater
You wouldn't understand
Peter, honey, I think I've been around enough priests
To understand you loud, proud, and clear
Sit down
I don't know what God wants from me